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Essential Balance Sessions

“I’m amazed by the change that happened in me after just one healing session with you. I’m not sure I really understand fully what you did, but ‘thank you’ doesn’t seem enough to express my gratitude.”—Deborah C.

  • Are you feeling stuck in a story that you know you have outgrown internally, but just cannot seem to shake? 

  • Are you struggling with something? I can help you surrender the struggle and come up with a creative solution. 

  • Is there something weighing on your heart? 

  • Is there a limiting belief or pattern that is holding you back? 

  • Do you want some guidance in finding your way forward and taking your next step? 

  • Do you need a plan for self-care to help you calm down and heal? 

  • Are you haunted by something from your past and want to change how it lives within you? 



Energy needs to flow on all levels of your being. Energy stagnation can show up in habitual thoughts, behaviors and stuck emotions that tether us to the past. What remains unresolved within you on the subtle level can spill over into tension, pain and even disease in the body. 


Essential Balance Sessions help clients release blocks to experiencing wellbeing on the physical, mental and emotional levels. Through a combination of energy and conversation, healing sessions illuminate what has not been fully acknowledged and support the client in opening his or her heart to that aspect of the inner life, allowing what is painful to be held, and warming what has been frozen so that energy may begin again to flow. When you release stagnant emotion, entrapped energy is liberated. When you interrupt old, deadening thought and behavior patterns, you can choose more creative responses to life that support the realization of your unique soul potential and evolutionary growth. 


During sessions, we come together in presence, tapping into the field of living awareness between us. I listen deeply and, guided by intuition, respond to what is arising in the moment, sensing how the energy is flowing in a client’s being. Most clients sense when a shift occurs, too. Gifts from Spirit, such as empathy, intuition, claircognizance, and clairsentience, allow me to act as a skilled emotional archeologist, helping the client to uncover—and heal—longstanding patterns. It is important to know that all healing is self-healing. No one else can heal you. I like to say it is Grace that heals and the client that opens to it. 



Individual sessions are held on the phone, FaceTime, Zoom or Skype. 

Essential Balance session (50-60 minutes) $250

Package of three session (consecutive weeks) at 20% discount on single session price


Email to schedule a session. 


Interested in receiving some ongoing support or mentoring? Email to explore options. 


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