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Trust Your Inner Authority and Believe in Yourself!

I recently attended a networking event with a group of more than 70 amazing and incredibly accomplished women. There were three speakers along with our host. At the end of the speaker presentations, there was some time for questions and answers. One woman asked the panel, “What would you tell your younger self?”

Here are the four women’s answers:


“You really can do it.”


“You are worthy of receiving.”


“Good thing you followed your intuition.”


“You are enough.”


If you, like me, sometimes struggle with self-doubt, I want you to know that you are not alone. I am grateful to women who share on this topic and remind us of our worth. When feelings of self-doubt or lack arise, do not give them too much attention. It is part of the human experience. Everyone feels this way sometimes, if they are being honest.


I know that men struggle with their confidence, too. Still, many in our society judge women more harshly for so many things. For example: being assertive, being career focused, their body weight, clothing choices, aging, being a sexual being, not having children, having a pet cat and so much more.


Remember, man or woman, you are more than those things. You are an expression of the divine having this precious human experience. Your soul’s journey is unique to you. Your choices may not be right for someone else. It only matters that they are right for, and resonate with, you. Trust your inner authority and believe in yourself.

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