As seasonal shifts spiral ever onward, we can flow with life’s changes by letting go. Letting go creates space for something new to come in—space for possibilities, new connections and especially space for divine presence. Here is some guidance and suggestions for letting go.
Declutter: Clear some clutter and organize items in your physical space.
Space Clearing: You can ring a bell to break up stagnant energy especially in the corners of your living space. Cleanse your space of negative energy by smudging with sage. Also, remember to cleanse your crystals with salt.
Mental Clearing: Do you hold a belief that is limiting you? A belief is just a thought that you believe is true. Thoughts have no power over you unless you believe them. Question your thoughts. You are free to change your mind and consciously decide what you believe. If you are aware that the mind is fixating on a thought that is not truth, be fully present—you are the aware witness—withdraw your attention and let the thought fall away. Repeat as needed.
Emotional Release: Do you have some stuck emotion? It is natural for emotions to arise and pass through us. It is important not to hold onto painful emotions. Doing so holds us in the past. Stagnant emotions also block our life force energy from flowing in a healthy manner that can affect the immune system and our overall health and wellbeing. Releasing emotion is not the same as “getting rid of, or avoiding, it.” We have to be present and allow the felt sensations of emotion in the body fully in order to transform them. Remember, it is not personal. It is a natural process. Emotions = energy in motion. Stay in neutrality. Pure awareness accepts, allows and can transform anything.
Forgiveness: Do you need to forgive someone (maybe yourself)? Forgiveness is surrendering of our attachment to difficult circumstances, the stories that we tell ourselves about them, as well as the related anger, resentment, hurt, pain or fear. Forgiveness brings numerous benefits including a greater sense of peace and wellbeing.
Simple daily practice for releasing: Finally, here’s a simple practice that you can make into a routine before going to sleep at night:
Take a few deep breaths and allow your energy to settle.
Take a moment to recall a few things for which you are grateful and give thanks for the day.
I’m grateful for ______________.
I release stress, frustration, tension, anxiety, negativity and any, and all, energies that do not belong to me, or support my highest good.
I am open to receive love, joy, peace, abundance, support, inspiration, guidance and intuition.
While the seasonal energy of Autumn supports letting go, it is important to remember that your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing need tending daily.